I do not expect any of them to stand very long, but I'm sure that I'll be able to enjoy them until we leave. There will be no blog next week as we're away, but then early September not only will I have more time again for the garden and the flowers, I also need to prepare for winter and next year with bulbs and autumn sowings. So there'll be plenty to do and write about.
For now, just the pictures and descriptions of my three little bunches. Sometimes a small vase is much more practical than a large one (no point in having a large vase on the table while eating, for example) and often it's just as beautiful. I hope you agree with me on this occasion!

Wonderfully fragrant Munstead Wood roses with Achillea ptarmica 'Double Diamond and Dianthus 'Green Trick'.
I bought Dianthus 'Green Trick' last year. It is a is a non-flowering form of sweet William. The plants survived the winter with the old flowers producing new small plants. They haven't regained their vigour yet. Next year, I'd better take some cuttings mid-summer.